Saturday, April 02, 2011


In the post below, Alzheimer’s Disease: Now and Then?, in the comments a gentle challenge is presented, to which I have taken time to prepare at least a partial answer. These take time.

In the challenge one of the issues raised was:

Though they may exist, I have not seen any peer-reviewed studies which demonstrate an explicit link between food additives and AD or Neural diseases in general.

This actually calls attention to one of the major problems in the medical industry. That issue is the prevailing dependence upon trusting the industry and those whom the industry counts as peers. The medical industry today is driven by profit motives. If this is ignored, a person trusts so-called research that is controlled not by a desire to heal, but by a desire to make money.

Sadly, there are true peers who are speaking out, but they are being denounced by the profit motivated peers and by those who are merely trustingly looking to these profit motivated peers.

One of the doctors who has been speaking out freely on this issue is Dr. Russell L. Blaylock. He has written a carefully researched and documented book, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, available at Amazon.

This book has been reviewed by other doctors, but the industry ignores them or worse. Some on-line sources of reviews and other references to this include:

Excitotoxins --- The Taste That Kills by Lawrence R. Huntoon, MD, PhD

Excitotoxins – The Taste That Kills an Overview by: Eliza Fulton at

Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills by Dr. Rick Allen at Cascade Wellness Clinic

MSG: Hidden Sources by Dr. Thomas S. Lee at NaturoDoc

Food Additive Excitotoxins and Degenerative Brain Disorders by Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D of Hacienda Publishing, Inc.

Excitotoxins - MSG and Aspartame by Julie K. Diaz

MSG and Autism

Truth in Labeling

For more resources a web search will produce more. However, as Dr. Blaylock explains in the following video, this information is being suppressed in mainstream media and in publications. Dr. Blaylock gives a good overview of the excitotoxin issue in this video. It is worthy of the time to watch it. But if you think that the government and the medical industry and food industry and the many other industries really have people’s best interests at heart and do not want to have your fantasy disrupted and your illusions destroyed, just turn away to finish your processed food. You probably won’t remember it in your old age anyway.

My wife and I have taken this matter seriously both for ourselves and for those whom we love and hold with care. We both are college graduates. Moreover, in my Animal Science/Pre-veterinary Medicine preparations I was exposed to the need to be wary of the government and medical and other industry fraudulent claims. My purpose in sharing this information is that people may become informed and educated so as to be able to avoid as much future health trouble as is possible.

Interestingly, when I speak with people about the glutamates especially, a common response is, “What are they? Are they preservatives?” People have heard a great deal about the harmful effects of preservatives and imagine this to be the big issue in food additives. But even regarding these, few people treat the matter seriously.

The old adage “You are what you eat” holds true throughout the ages. Those who ignore it become what they ignore. I can do nothing for those who choose ignorance for themselves, but I can at least help open the pathway to the truth so that those who prefer knowledge to ignorance can become more aware.

That said, this adage applies even more powerfully to the theological food that people choose to consume. This is my greatest concern, and the primary reason for this blog. However, life is not lived in a vacuum. God created us with bodies, and how we care for those bodies affects our minds and spirits, too.

Anyway, for whatever value that the reader may find in this, this serves as a partial answer to the matter of food additives and health.

. . .

1 comment:

cbeck said...

I am glad for the time you have taken to look into this further. Certainly some interesting information in the video. Dr. Blaylock also has some reviewed publications accessible from his personal website.

The most common problem with peer reviewed work (in my esperience)is actually a bit opposite from what you were describing. That is, the "peers" reviewing your work are often your competitors, and thus predisposed to find fault in presented results. However, if someone happens to know the journal editor, all bets could be off.

although I have yet to see sufficient evidence to leave me convinced food additives are a primary cause here, I definitely do not see anything suggesting we should ignore the issue. I do agree research is important.

Thanks for raising awareness. And Cheers~