Friday, November 12, 2010

Veterans Day

Veterans Day was rainy here in Wichita, and so I stayed home doing various kinds of other work rather than slipping and sliding on wet tree bark. I am always tied in with my climbing lines, but slipping can still hurt, especially if it includes slamming into a branch or tree trunk.

One of the things I did was some more updating of the Bride of Christ web site, including revising and posting the Veterans Day article posted under the Holiday and Special Occasion Page. It has been a long time since I updated this page. I hope to return to the regular practice of changing it with the change of holidays.

On this year's Veterans Day observance I also heard from a friend who is a veteran. He called to share with me some information that he had learned that he hoped would be valuable to me in my business activities. He knows how hard my stump grinding is and wanted to try to help me to work a little less hard.

In the conversation he shared a statement: "Everyone except the veteran gets off for Veterans Day. The veteran still has to work."

This is true from many perspectives. It especially applies in connection with the True Veteran whom I mention in the Veterans Day article.

Peace and true rest to all from the True Veteran!

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