Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Elusive Easter Bunny

In this photo the rumors are validated. April 10, 2012, this baby bunny emerged from the bushes, unaware that anyone would notice its appearance.

Cautiously emerging from the bushes, this little bunny surveys the many people in this mall parking lot, taking notes regarding how many houses it must visit next year.

It seems funny that for most people the image of Easter is a bunny. Funny bunny. But how funny is it that the greatest announcement in the history of the cosmos is reduced to chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks, jelly beans and chocolate eggs, and little white lies that later disappoint children and promote distrust of the word of their parents and grandparents.

Is it any wonder that Darwin despaired of trying to convince himself to believe the promises of the resurrection and turned instead to trust in imaginary science based on fiction far more disappointing than imaginary Easter Rabbits? At least one can actually find little bunnies like that one in this photo. Where are the countless necessary mutations that advance in genetic order upon which the evolutionist fairy tale is based? Not one documented case exists.

How sad that this is called “science.”

Oh well.

Yet the risen Lord has been seen by many. Multiple accounts have been recorded. His Church has spread throughout the world and His presence is regularly observed in the blessed Sacrament as well as through the wonders produced through it. The greatest force in the universe, the Forgiveness of Sins and the new life of grace, mercy, and peace generated through the gift of the Holy Spirit in Baptism, is observed continually.

And if cute and cuddly is what wows a person, what is more wonderful than to observe a baby emerging from the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit to live in the newness of everlasting life in God’s Holy Communion?

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