Monday, September 29, 2008

Hurray for Now!

The House narrowly defeated the notorious Bailout bill.

House defeats $700B financial industry bailout.

The vote was 228-205.

For now the bill is killed. But for how long?

Not all who voted to kill the bill did so because of their love for the American People and for the love the the Constitution and the freedom that it protects.

No, they state in their own words why they voted against it: because they love their jobs. See the article and read what they say.

Yes, the phone calls of outrage made a difference.

At least for now.

But read the proposed bill that was compiled over the weekend and you'll see what the real motives of this bailout package are. See the post below for a link to the PDF file where you can read it for yourself.

This is not over.

They'll try again, only in all likelihood, they will be much less open about it, just like they have not been open about the troops that are being trained to begin controlling us as early as October 1st. See below.

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