Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

From the readings for the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, the Epistle reading was the text for the sermon. The introduction began:

     Repent! Repent! Repent! Do you get tired of hearing this message? Nevertheless, it is the perpetual message of the Church. It is the tireless message of the preachers of the Gospel. It is a command. Yet it is a command that we cannot fulfill. It is a command that works for us and in us that which must be enacted. The call to repent is a command that has the power to turn us from our ways back again to the Lord. The call to repent is actually God’s mercy in action. It is His call to those whom He would rescue from their wandering into everlasting destruction. While we hear it as Law on account of our failure to hear and obey, it is nevertheless brought to effect in us by the Gospel, the power of God unto salvation to all who believe. It is God’s promise of salvation that converts us. It is His promise of the Savior that saves us. For what God promises He brings into being. In fact, what God promises, He has already accomplished for us.

For the rest of the sermon: Galatians 3:15-22 — “A Testament Being Confirmed Previously under God into Christ”.

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