Monday, January 29, 2007

 Kansas Day

Today is Kansas Day. Today Kansans celebrate the 145th anniversary of statehood. For more information the following sites provide pictures and history: Facts and Kansas Day in the Classroom.

Kansas actually does have a history. Most people at least know that it is a state known for being flat and the Land of Oz. There is more to know. If you are interested, the links above will provide some more information.

Throughout my lifetime I have lived in a variety of places in the USA. People ask me from time to time what I think of the places where I have lived. My response is that every place has its good points and its lesser points. They all are part of God’s creation and if a person is willing to see it, God has given each place its own special blessings. No matter where I have taken up earthly residence, I have enjoyed various aspects of the surroundings. Kansas certainly has many rich and varied things to observe and enjoy.

I am always amazed at the imagination of the Lord. In His creation He has included much for His children to discover and enjoy. Over all that He created for us He made the marvelous pronouncement that it is good. Moreover He proclaims that He created man in His image, including the desire to be creative. He has built into each of us a wondrous imagination from which we draw many delightful thoughts and from which we even bring forth good things for ourselves and to share with others. Our sin keeps us from enjoying God’s creative genius fully, but even in our corrupted condition, still we share in the joy of His creation even as we make new discoveries and make things that bring joy and benefits to ourselves and others.

So whether it be Wichita, Kansas or any of the other places where I have enjoyed the goodness of God’s rich and varied blessings, I have endless cause for giving thanks as I see our gracious God’s power revealed. I look forward to that glorious day when I no longer look through the glass darkly, but know even as I am known. (1 Cor. 13:12) Kansas Day certainly provides an opportunity to recognize what God has already manifested of His goodness, even if we see it through foggy lenses.

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