Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Winter Weather Increases Need for Blood

Red Cross Action Alert: Winter Weather Affects Donations

Snow and ice storms across the nation are to blame for numerous blood drive cancellations. Plus, poor driving conditions are keeping donors away from our blood donation centers.

As a result, the Red Cross is unable to collect and produce enough blood platelets. Platelets are the fragile cells that control bleeding and can be used by cancer patients and those undergoing chemotherapy.

Your platelet or whole blood donation will help us meet the needs of area hospital patients.

Please consider scheduling an appointment to give blood today. Call 1-800-RED CROSS or log on to

(This notice is copied from an e-mail notice from the American Red Cross.)

1 comment:

Blood donation said...

I've been a blood donor 2 years already and it really makes me feel proud because I know someone lives are save. As we all know, blood banks shortages kills tons of people and every 2 seconds someone in the United states needs blood.

This is will be time to make a difference and help each other. You can visit they have all the information on how to be a blood donor and a directory of all the Blood Bank in the United States.